Dealer Spotlight: Ag Info Tech

Dealer Spotlight: Ag Info Tech

Ag Info Tech Provides Technology Backed by Service

Ag Info Tech is a precision ag retailer well-known for the innovative technology and exceptional service their team provides to their customers. With two decades of experience in the precision ag business, Derik Geitgey serves as the company’s CEO. His commitment to being at the forefront of precision ag led Ag Info Tech to a dealer partnership with Sabanto, covering a sales territory from Indiana into the northeastern quadrant of the United States.

Derik Geitgey, CEO of Ag Info Tech, was an early adopter of Sabanto’s autonomous technology.

It’s one thing to talk about autonomy; it’s another to experience it. Derik recalled the first time he encountered Sabanto’s autonomy in person. “I saw a company willing to bring this new technology to market, knowing that it’s going to be an industry disruptor and necessitate more innovation and change while pushing agriculture forward.” The product and its provability were a great fit for Ag Info Tech’s product offering, keeping them on the leading edge of what Derik refers to as “precision ag 2.0.”

As for provability, Derik uses Sabanto’s autonomy on his own farm. Just this month, he used the Sabanto Steward™ system to plant 180 acres of rye cover crop, a task that otherwise would have required hiring additional help. When asked about his experience and the usability of Sabanto’s user interface, vehicle Mission Control® (vMC), he replied, “The user interface is consistent with other types of precision agriculture – and in some ways even better.”


A Fendt 700 outfitted with Sabanto Steward™ used to autonomously plant rye using a seed drill.

Derik emphasized the additional benefits of autonomy, stating, “It can improve your lifestyle and not just your bottom line.” At the end of a work day when it’s time to go home, you can spend your time doing what matters most, and the Sabanto system will continue working into the night. “That kind of lifestyle improvement is obvious once you have the technology in your hands,” added Derik.

Ag Info Tech has introduced autonomy to more farmers by traveling to their farms with a demo tractor and allowing them to experience autonomy in their own fields. This approach allows farmers to receive hands-on training and support from the Ag Info Tech team. Once a farmer is comfortable with the technology, they’re encouraged to try it on their own. After seeing the value autonomy adds to their farm, there is a lightbulb moment for farmers once they realize the various applications it can be used. Derik added, “It’s fun to see farmers realize this isn’t something in the future – it’s here today.”

“It’s fun to see farmers realize this isn’t something in the future – it’s here today.”

Autonomy is a powerful technology available on the market, and the Ag Info Tech team is dedicated to helping farmers maximize their investment. Their passion, expertise, and commitment to their customers is apparent in everything they do. Sabanto is grateful to have Ag Info Tech as a trusted dealer and partner, working together to pave the way for autonomy in agriculture.



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