First off, Happy New Year! I hope you had a great holiday. On New Year’s Day, I spent a considerable amount of time thinking about how far we’ve come. A year ago, we only supported one tractor model, today we support 19. A year ago, we were limited to straight passes, today we’re doing circular path plans. A year ago, we weren’t communicating with your pivots, today we communicate with Valley and Reinke pivots. A year ago, we were limited to one field without manual intervention, today we have field-to-field transits. A year ago, you were responsible for deploying and monitoring your own systems, today we have a virtual Field Operator running 17 systems across 4 states. A year ago, we had systems running in 2 states, today we’re in 20.
I’d like to think this was a reflection of all the great people we have, but I can’t help thinking about all the advice, feedback, requests, and collaboration we’ve had from you. Your feedback has been the blueprint for building a better product. Every insight you’ve shared is a step closer to creating something that truly works and works well. I encourage you to reach out to me if you think we can do better. In the meantime, I’ll be spending a considerable amount of time thinking about how far we’ll go this year. You’ll see a glimpse of that at the TPI show in February.
– Craig
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